Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Please post your Plato questions as comments here:


  1. Are the rhetoric questions just a popular format for this time era or was is the implementation of Socratic method? Is this an allegory for politics keeping information from the masses and we are the prisoners? Giving light to darkness, as Plato explained the occurrence, is what Shores was trying to do. Is the parallel between the stories intentional or coincidental?

    Callie Dietrich J03

  2. i didnt really understand this reading. what was his overall message? i didnt like how it was a question then a response for the whole reading.
    chris day J01

  3. I always struggle with reading Plato....but i am wondering what excalty he means by darkness when at the end it says you can either turn your eys from light to darkness or from darkness to light.

    malcomb vrecenar jo3

  4. I don't quiet understand what he is trying to say. Plato or someone says on page 195 "From there he could turn to beholding the things in heaven and heaven itself." Is this about death?

    Jolene Smith

  5. Thank you for your timely and eloquent post....

    I must admit that I honestly don't get this reading. The language is very hard to understand. Is Socrates talking about the transition between not understanding the world (Because of your own Paradigm or Prejudices) and having your eyes opened to reality?

    -Nathaniel Bodenstadt

  6. could this be a metaphore for knowledge? What im trying to say is: if a group of people are trying to learn a subject, are we the prisoners in the cave? and once some one learns all there is to know, are they able to step into the light?

    Westin Dollmont J01

  7. They say ignorence is bliss, and the truth is hard to handle but i dont believe that, every man who is in a prison would go though life without turning their head, and sheilding their eyes. Regardless of whether it is diffcult or cruel. How else could anyone every change, understand anything, or live in the real world?

    Angelia Normandia

  8. Wouldn't a man who came down from the light, and became infected by the dark just become ignorent?

    Becky Ulmer

  9. Overall I could not focus on this reading. It was not in a format that was easy to read and possibly that could why philosophy is harder to understand. Does the reading not in actual wording state that there are two different views of the world, pessimistic and optimistic? That's mostly what I got out of the reading that I could understand.

    Jenny Danner

  10. I had to re-read several sentences many times. At the end of the reading I was confused and didnt understand the message behind it. Is Platos writing the type of literature you are ment to read more than once and think deeply about before you understand it? Johanna Christensen J01

  11. Is socrates trying to say that one only sees something as right when right is taught to him?

    For example, is someone/something labeled a certain way simply because of their ideologies and even once those ideas are proven wrong, is it easier to one to accept this new idea or return to their old ways?

    Hannah Massey J04

  12. Is the story saying that it is alot harder to stop doing bad thinkgs than is is to start.
    Michael Caruso J02


    The symbolism in this writing is amazing. I had to pay attention to what I was reading.

    The prisoners in the cave who ascend to light- is the light a that a symbol of education?

    LaTia Jackson, J03

  14. Where are all the J04 comments?????? jeremy

  15. This reading was interesting but i had to read over it more than once and still did not completly understand what does Socrates mean when he says "the truth is nothing other than the shadows of artificial things."

    Freddie Munoz, JO1

  16. How far will people convince others to come outside of the cave and experience all the wonders outside of their comfort zone?

    Danielle Orbistondo J01

  17. Couldn't the journey from the cave to the outside world also be detrimental, and have some debilitating effect on the person who was making the journey. Not saying that education is bad and should mot be pursued, but couldn't some people not adapt in a positive way?

    Sorry it's late, I checked last night and it wasn't up. My bad Kevin, I should have looked this morning before class.

  18. On page 194 it says; "Such men would hold that the truth is nothing other than the shadows of artificial things." Is that what it means to see the shadows? What is the hidden meaning to this?

    Kelly Fernandez, JO4

  19. Was Plato at all ridiculed for this piece of writing? Did he recieve any greif from this because it's hard to understand? Or did he not openly release it?

    Chelsey Welch J02

  20. In the reading on page 195 it says "...wouldn't his eyes get infected with darkness?"

    Is he saying that they would go back to the way they were? Or that they just would be infected because they already knew what was true?

  21. As I am sitting here reading Plato for the fourth time I still don't understand the point?
    Is the point corruption, the light? I really don't understand this reading
