Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Greetings Humanities 120

These two blog entries are due for Tuesday Nov 10. Here they are.....

1. Please discuss your honest opinion of Grizzly Maze in two or more sentences.  

2. After reading  Air Guitar (61-81) how do you think Hickey feels about art ?
    Please use one quote from the text that you are referring to.


  1. Grizzley Maze made absolutely no sence.
    $150,000.00 on a suit that was never actually used, what was the purpose? After spending all that money on nothing I wonder if his wife hated him ?

  2. I think that he could be a little mentally unstable. He was so completly focused on his work.. he never even considered whether he would be able to walk? He was obviously a little too loose in the head.

    Richard Ringle JO2

  3. "Grizzly Maze" was an interesting movie. It really got my attention, and it's like Treadwell's movie, but he doesn't go near them and bother them by going near them, naming them, and touching them. Hurtubise was more scared-like to be around bears, but yet he got all ready to be hit or something from a bear. He has a suit where he was standing still and was getting hit by a swinging wood. He was also walking on fire where the bear can put his claws in and ripping it off, That he was getting ready for a bear attack or something. Why did he do all those stuff even though he really didn't get close to a bear as Treadwell did?

    Anastasia Brink, J01

  4. i feel lynch is a artist and hurtubise is his art. Kitsch is art that makes fun of something that is rediculous, yet takes itself seriously. like farm animal coffie mugs i find hurtubise funny only because he takes himself seriously(like i imagine farm animal coffie mugs also do). lynch found every way to exploit this seriousness to create kitsch art, out of a crazy canook with a stupid bear suit.

    travis johnson jo1

  5. I thought that the movie was pretty funny, but the ending was boring. Hurtbise really took his suit seriously,but i don't understand if the bear gave him a chance to live, shouldn't he?

    Nani Toetuu

  6. 1. For me, the most compelling footage in Project Grizzly is the crash testing of the 145-pound suit of titanium armor, being thrown off cliffs, rammed by logs, hit by a pickup truck, and clubbed with baseball bats. Hurtubise resembled a robotic Terminator. Those were the good old days for him it seemed. I do admit it did become very slow and boring in the end, I wish we could have seen him in real action fighting a bear or something.

    2. After our discussion in class I have a better understanding on what Hickey feels about art. He is one that respects any form of art and the artist that is representing it. When he performs a song he embodies jazz in a different way than anyone else. He is not worried about fame or what people think of him, he is more focused on respecting the art for its beauty and what it stands for. An example of this refers to a quote stating: “by refusing to have a career or to make history, he managed to do both, and in the end achieved that rarest of prize. He had a life in the arts…. In real time” (80). He connects his culture with art. This is how I think Hickey feels about art.

    Kelly Fernandez, JO4

  7. Yeah, I didn't really care for that movie. It was funny at some parts but it definitly was pretty pathetic how he spent so much money on that suit and never got to use it.

    Katrina Moran, J04

  8. I honestly thought Grizzly Project was pretty boring even though there were hilarious parts in the film. As we discussed earlier in class, we all laughed at the log hitting Troy and knocking him over. As the old saying goes, it is always funny until someone gets hurt, then it’s hilarious. When was it acceptable for people to find humor in another person’s pain? In America, we have entire movies and television shows revolving around human pain for an audience to be entertained and find it humorous. Should this be acceptable in our society?
    I believe Hicky believed that art doesn’t need a purpose. A ceramic piece or painting does not have to be functional. Why do we listen to music? What is the functional purpose of music? Is it just a hobby and entertainment? “And, finally, American business stopped advertising products for what they were, or for what they could do, and began to advertising them for what they meant…” (66). For every art piece there is a meaning, information and possibly as story. Art is a meaning shown in a physical object.

    Danielle Orbistondo J01

  9. "first companies introduced a hierarchy of "lines" pg66. here hickey says that car companies (which represent the new art market) created demand by creating a hierarchy in cars from economy level cars to luxury level there, lets say in ceramics, a hierarchy or lines of ceramics? is there economy ceramics? is there luxury ceramics?

    travis johnson jo1

  10. Grizzly Man was funny to watch although it really had no ending. It showed art in the way it made referances to other tv shows.

    Edith Grover J04

  11. Graizzly Man was funny but not very educational. I think it was made just for the fun of it.

    I think he feels art grew out of the rise of consumerism but not that his was a bad thing.
    "It was, in fact, nothing more dangerous than a democratic forum of free opinion that, in its protean liveliness and free-form contingency could only expand, did expand, in fact, and persists today in all our quotidian discussions of popular art in this nation."

    Sarah Ryan J03

  12. Project Grizzly wasn't the best movie. There was no ending. It had some humourous parts but over all it wasn't that great. The idea of spending that much money on a suit to protect him from the bears is stupid. A waste of money.

    Johanna Christensen- J01

  13. im confused on question one. people are posting thier opinions on two different movies and i dont know what one we sgould post one. it says grizzly maze up in the blog post, and that was a handout we got a while ago.

    For hickey, he sees art in a very deep way. he also undrerrstands art and a lot its history. an example of the history of art he knew was "glazing". He said that back in the fifteenth century that glazing was used to paint the body of christ as a physical being filled with light. through thi i can see that he takes art very seriously.

    Westin Dollmont

  14. 1) Project Grizzly wasn't the best movie. Although it had some funny parts, the ending was disappointing. I was really looking forward to seeing him actually use the suit against a real bear, but yet it was a let down. There are better movies out there.

    2) Hickey understands art in a different way. When he was criticizing chet Baker he expressed his ways of understanding the arts. One of his quotes that caught my eye was, " the song plays the music and the music plays the player and that, consequently, the song, as played, is not a showcase for the player's orginality, but a momentary acoustic community in which the players breathe and thing together in real time, adding to the song's history, without detracting from its integrity, leaving it intact to be played again." Hickey shows that he truely enjoys art from a different prespective, and not from the way other people view art.

    Xuyen Nguyen J04

  15. I think grizzly project was cool because it was real, and there are so man people in this world that just come up with crazy ideas, or believe in wild things and they completely take over their life. So, I enjoyed the movie because it was real and because everyone knows someone who does something out of the ordinary, Troy's was just made into a film.
    I think Hickey views art as something that should be admired for what it is, not who made it, or where it is put on display at. I think that he wants are to be incorporated more into everyones life, instead of such a higher class thing to be into. He talks about for his passion for high art that reminds of just basic daily life which I think is cool, I think that art should mimic daily life as well, I think it makes it more interesting and gives it much more appeal.
    Sammy Becker

  16. 1. Project Grizzly was a very amusing documentary. I really liked the way that Lynch portrayed Hurtubise. It was easy to see that Hurtubise was passionate about what he was doing, since he spent $150,000 on a suit that would make him impervious to bears, but he's obviously inexperienced and doesn't know very much about bears. He openly admits this in the film.

    2. I think Hickey believes that art can be made out of anything, if the maker is passionate enough about their creation. I think he believes in making something new out of another thing that's been around for quite some time. Take Chet Baker, for example: "Chet Baker's music was in some new place between...It was horizontal music that flowed in a steady groove and sang those haunting double lines that - from Bob Wills's twin-fiddles to The Allman Brothers' twin-guitars - put unrequited sadness into country music....Everybody else, I realized, was playing jazz. Chet Baker was playing the song...this seemed like an incredibly neat idea to me."

    Leah Gregg

  17. Project Grizzly:
    1. I admired Hurtubise because he had a passion, not many people have passions, let alone life passions. I am rooting that Hurtubise fixes his suit so, at least he can fulfill his goal.

    2. I think that Hickey believes that the "ordinary stuff" is art. I mean he writes about growing up and spending the first 47 years of his life in honky tonks, art bars, hot- rod shops, recording studios, commercial art galleries, city rooms, jazz clubs, cocktail lounges, surf shops, bookstores, rock-and-roll bars, editorial offices, discos and song factories. And he states that he has never come in contact with high art.

    LaTia Jackson, J03

  18. I thought that the movie was really funny to begin with, and then it went downhill fast. I can't believe that there are people out there who would do something like that, and that other people are stupid enough to follow them. I feel bad for the horses that had to carry the suit. The movie was good for a few laughs, but it was less than thrilling.

    Hickey thinks that art has changed. He says, "In the world of high art, however, a bunch of tight-assed, puritanical, haut bourgeois intellectuals simply legislated customized art out of existence, in a fury of self-importance resentment. " I get the feeling that Hickey thinks that art in America is not very well defined now, but I can't tell if he thinks that is a good or bad thing.

    Chelsea Green

  19. Project Grizzy, to me, shows his passion, although he expressed his passion in a way that some people may find ridiculous. Spending over $100,000 on something as silly as a "bear proof suit" sounds ridiculous to many, but Hurtubise obviously didn't mind, because this is what he wanted to do. Yes the movie was "weird," but I do respect him.

    I view Hickey the same way, he has a passion of art and sees it differently than others. He observes more precisely than most and digs deeper to find the meaning. He's interested in the things (and people) who are real and not those who are putting on a show.

    Chelsey Welch J02

  20. I think Project Grizzly was a bit over the top just like most of the other grizzly "projects". He spent his time and money on something he never actually got to use. It seemed a bit pointless, in my opinion. There could have been better ways to spend that money even on other ways of grizzly protection or studies on grizzlies.

    I think Hickey has a major passion for art. He definitively sees art in many different ways. The most captivating phrase he said was "In the beginning was the Car, and the Car was with Art, and the Car was Art." It just shows me he sees art in creative ways. Also what caught me was his description of Chet Baker on how he made art through his music and then didn't care what people thought about him. This just made an impact on my opinion on the reading.

    Jenny Danner J03

  21. I felt that Hicky believed art to be all encoumacing. On Pg.63 "As a consequence of this apprentiship, my inadvertent discovery of the commercial art world of the nineteen sixties felt just like coming home." This reflects that although he was aware art was in the commercial aspects of the economy, he was only then realizing it consiously.

    JO4 Edith

  22. 1. I thought Porject Grizzly was somewhat amusing; not laugh out loud funny, just amusing. Since the comedy factor was all the movie really had going for it I would say that the director probably accomplished his goal at the price of having a movie that most would enjoy.

    2. I believe Hickey has a more relaxed view of art as seen in the earlier chapter in his criticisms of professors who take their subjects to seriously. In pages 61-81 he shows his view of art to be even broader and more inclusive after spending an entire chapter talking about how cars are art and how his recognition of car styles even served as artistic education; "Thus years before i had ever seen an offical 'work of art,' I could claim an evolved aesthetic." (Pg. 62)


    Dominic Lodovici

  23. 1.) I thought grizzly maze was hilarious actually. The idea that someone would spend over $100, 000 on a suit is funny to me. I thought he was nuts but if it makes him happy its alright in my book.

    2.) He feels much more open to different types of art. He sees music as just another form of art. "In contemporary terms, Baker does not so much "perform" these songs as "simulate" them....". He conforms the art he wants into whatever he wants it to be.

    Beky Ulmer, J03

  24. 1) I thought grizzly maze was a great movie and it makes some good jokes. Even if he didn’t end up using his suit or the fact that he spent 150,000 dollars it was a good movie. But one has to think after being completely obsessed with is work what does his family think.
    2) I Think that Hickey looks at art in a completely different ways than most people for example " the song plays the music and the music plays the player and that, consequently, the song, as played, is not a showcase for the player's originality..”
    Marc Lapeyri- J02

  25. 1- Project Grizzly, was an interesting movie. It definitely had it own quirky humor to it, if it wasn't documentary based in reality it would probably seem like shallow satire, but to think thats what some one really did made it funny.

    2-"In the world of high art, however, a bunch of tight-assed, puritanical, haut bourgeois intellectuals simply legislated art out existence, in a fury of self-important resentment."(p72) I think, Hickey thinks that art as concept should remain fluid. As soon as it becomes the establishment and is judged as such, it ceases to become what it originally was.

    -Stephen Bishop J03

  26. 1: Project Grizzly: I was actually rather impressed with project grizzly. Even considering the fact that Hurtubise himself seemed nutty, he obviously took what he was doing very seriously, and he had "followers." I think that something can generally be considered successful for some reason if it attracts followers. Hurtubise's suit may not have been successful in the movie, but he had to have made some friends out of the deal. Although I must admit that it's a rather expensive way to make friends.

    2: Air Guitar: Personally, I feel that Hickey thinks art is everywhere, but isn't recognized as such. He speaks about cars and people who customize them in the first essay, and I think that a lot of people who customize their car wouldn't feel that they are artists. I customized my car. Not in any crazy ways, But I have put things in it that make it mine. And it's definitely a way of expressing who I am. So in fact, it would seem that it is a work of art. In the second essay, Hickey states "In fact, Bakers life was in no sense a tragic one, nor was his talent wasted or unappreciated." This line, after outlining all that Baker had dealt with over his life, showed that Hickey really believed Baker was an artist when others may not have.

    -Nathaniel Bodenstadt

  27. Air Guitar.

    I believe that hickey sees art as a way to express yourself, no matter what others think. A way to be outside the crowd. Page 62 "Why? Because I ..... I Wanted to dissent, not defect."

    Richard Ringle JO2

  28. 1.) I think the movie was funny, didn't seem like a lot of thought went into his head for testing the suit before spending 150,000$. Loved watching him get hit by the tree.

    2.)"Anybody who can't sell a handful of air with a dream in it doesn't deserve to call himself an American, much less a dealer." I think he feels that music in its original form is best, for people to think when music is played in a new way think of the original instead of the person himself who is playing. That any dream can be accomplished and sold in America.

    Angelia Normandia

  29. 1.
    Grizzly Maze proves that anyone can do whatever they want as long as they have the money. Although I think Troy's endeavors are shallow and depleted of intellectualism, Lynch allows it to serve a purpose in a comedic fashion as a piece of art.
    I think that Hickey would believe that Grizzly Maze is a piece of artwork because it serves as entertainment. It allows us to appreciate Troy's endeavors because they're funny. Hickey believes that art is a demonstration of something passionate, it can be anything.

    Callie Dietrich J03

  30. 1. i think you are refering to Grizzly project so i thought it was entertaining to a degree, but was somewhat long a drawn out and it might up been my favorite movie ever if he actully faced a grizzly in that suit in the end ha that would of been amazing.

    2.I think Dave Hickey can really apperiate art if it is an art that relates to him and his life if not he doesnt hit home for him. "Still other citizens thought they could make them look ever greater and manifested their dissent by customizing these objects"

    Malcomb Vrecenar

  31. The movie was laughably funny however I think that Hu was so impressed by the impact the armor could takethat he'd forgotten he was pretty much immobile while in it. He talked about fighting back to the bear, but how could he when the best the suit could do was let him lay on the ground and have the bear claw at him.

    Amanda Banh J02

  32. The Grizzly project was funny. What was he thinking, to spend that much money on a suit made for grizzly attacks? but only used it on getting hit by logs and such. Good tester, although i think that was all it was good for.

    Florence Hadley j01

  33. 1)Grizzly Maze was actually very interesting to watch. This was because I felt like even though the way he acted was very extreme he does have a dream and he is actually pursuing it which is more than what most people can say. He knows that what he is doing is strange but doesn't care what people think about him because its his dream.

    2)Hickey obviously views art very differently than most he believes that art can be anything. I thought it was interesting when he brought up it is all an art market and how it is such a desire. “We cant make a toaster any more, a VCR, or even a decent faucet, but we can create desire.”

    Freddie Munoz JO1

  34. I enjoyed grizzly maze. $150,000 bear suit?!?! Troy sees to be more unstable with teadwell. And should not be allowed to breed.

    I believe Hickey sees art in its purest form and cares nothing for gimicks. When he was talking about the jazz artist he was not impressed by flashy antics but was impressedabout how he kept his art in its truest form.

  35. the statement directly above belongs to Dakota McLaughlin

  36. I am assuming that you are wanting us to post about "Project Grizzly" as opposed to "Grizzly Maze". "Project Grizzly" was hysterical. I do feel some empathy for Hurtubise as he seems totally unaware that his life is being manipulated and used to produce a movie that is obviously making him out to be a fool. Whether he truly is a fool is purely subjective. I think he is misguided (not unlike Treadwell) and uneducated in regards to what he is trying to accomplish. Hurtubise molds his life around one chance encounter with a grizzley and forms the opinion that all grizzlies are bloodthirsty man killers. He has a completely different view of bears than Treadwell. Two men, very different, yet so much alike.

    I feel Hickey finds art in most things he sees and hears. To him, music is an almost palatable art form-to be heard, felt and visualized. He says on page 77, "Baker's album, then, was a totally other form of expression for its time. Its only contemporary aesthetic analogy was in the cool economy and intellectual athletics of long-board surfing-another lost art of living in real time that may be coming back." Hickey compares experiencing Baker's music to the intellectual thrill of catching a wave and riding it out, usung the long board-the most difficult, yet most enjoyable and pure way to surf.

    Deema Ferguson

  37. Air Guitar was hard to read.. but once I started to understand it I felt that Hickey feels that art isn't the same as it was. He thinks people should focus on the music or art rather than on who created it.

    Johanna Christensen- J01

  38. I thought that Project Grizzly was a funny movie. It was ridiculous and a little long, but the fact that he was actually serious and his friends worshipped him and looked up to him, made the movie that much better.

    Hannah Massey

  39. Dave Hickey feels that art is what you make it. He feels that society shouldn't like something just because it is popular, but should instead appreciate it's core message.

    Hannah Massey

  40. 1)Project Grizzley was silly in my opinion.
    I didn't understand the point, why he spent all that money. He was in it for the fame.
    2)He felt that art was different per individual, he felt that he was different than most and couldn't be compared because most people never saw what he saw in his life

  41. Hickley fells that art is something you should respect and enjoy for the happiness it brings you, he also thinks that art is being miss used for it real purpose

    Nani Toetuu
